Learning how to live a healthy life style is a topic source that is like the energizer bunny..... it keeps going and going and going.
Because most recently, I learned that my Diabetes is playing games again and has now affected my kidneys - I am going to kick off this blog with learning more about Diabetes.
Ok, to cover me.... I am not a medical practitioner/dietician or in any other way qualified to give offer medical advise. This is a blog based on my experiences and learnings - if you have (or think you have) any medical condition please consult your health care practitioner for medical advise. Back to the blog....
The one thing that I have learned through the years of being diagnosed with Diabetes is that there is a lot of "little bites" of information and there is not much of a cohesive collection of Diabetes or even standard care regiments followed within the medical community. When I was first diagnosed, there was little education, I was told I needed to "watch" my sugars and given a script for insulin resistance. Three years later, I moved and my new doctor asked what my A1C was... my what? She asked how often I check my blood sugars....1 time a week was not the answer she was looking for. By this time my sugars were sitting above 200 at any given reading (I was not told what the range was to worry about). She immediately put me on two more meds and took me off of the one I was originally put on - she then had me go to an endocrinologist. Who took me off of two of the meds she gave me, put me back on the initial medicine, started two others and a shot..... next move..... I have received another medicine and have been placed on insulin. What do I know about diabetes? That there are a lot of meds for it........ what should I know - a whole lot more!
This video shows the basics behind the diabetes disease. Basically, the body does not create or create enough insulin for the body to use the sugar present in the blood stream. Why does it mater? If there is not enough insulin in the body the sugar can not get to the cell and the cells are starved.... yep that is right that "fluffy" person with diabetes is actually suffering from starved cells! They need insulin to decrease the sugar in the their blood... you knew that but did you know that reduction is actually a result of the body processing the sugar and eating it up in a scenes?
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